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Aglaonema Silver Bay


Aglaonema Silver Bay A very adaptable plant, it tolerates low light and dry air better than most other house plants. One thing it doesn’t like is cold air. Its large, Purple, dark-green layer 6-10 cm (15-25 cm) thick, 3 mm (7.5 cm) wide, marbled heavily with, cream or silver and white. Tiny flowers, accompanied by red berries, may occur in the summer. This plant’s berries and sap are highly toxic.



 Common Name  Chinese EvergreenSilver Queen
 Botanical Name  Aglaonema Silver Bay
 Category  Indoors
 Light  Very low light, indirect sunlight and partial shade
 Water  Allow drying slightly between watering
 Fertilizer  Feed every two weeks spring through fall; with a water soluble lime free fertilizer, withhold during the winter
 Plant Care  Use warm water when watering
 Origin  Southern Asia
Height 18″
Climate 65° – 85°F