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Atriplex halimus (Saltbush)


Atriplex halimus (Saltbush)

Description: Atriplex halimus (Saltbush) is a thick, semi-evergreen, alternative ovate, diamond-like shrub, also often toothed leathery, silvery grey leaves, up to 6 centimeter long. In late summer, bears small white greenish blossoms, up to 30 centimeters long in terminal panicles. Tolerates huge sea wind exposure. 2 meter in height, 2.5 meter in length. Originally from S. Europe. Europe.


Common Name Tree Purslane, Mediterranean saltbush, Sea orache, Shrubby orache
Botanical Name Atriplex halimus
Height 2m
Spread 2.5m
Origin S. Europe
Category Shrubs
Family Chenopodiaceae
Flower Colour Greenish-white
Drought Tolerance High
Salinity Tolerance High
Sun Tolerance High
Wind Tolerance High
Water-Log Tolerance Low
pH Level Alkaline
Pest Tolerance High
Disease Tolerance High
Growth Rate Fast
Fragrance No
Growth Habit Clump-forming