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Canna indica (Canna Lily, Indian Shot)


Canna indica (Canna Lily, Indian Shot) is Rhizomatous perennial with oblong, green some times bronze tinted leaves in the shape of ovate lance, up to 50 centimeters in length. Iris-like, panicles, vivid red or soft orange flowers, 5-7 cm in size. Height about 1.5 to 2.2 m, 50 centimeter spread. Originally from South America, both tropical and subtropical.


Common Name Canna Lily, Indian Shot
Botanical Name Canna indica
Height 1.5-2.2m
Spread 0.5m
Origin S. America
Category Shrubs
Family Cannaceae
Synonym C. compacta, C. edulis, C. limbata, C. lutea
Flower Colour Red
Drought Tolerance Low
Salinity Tolerance Medium
Sun Tolerance Medium
Wind Tolerance Medium
Water-Log Tolerance High
pH Level Basic
Pest Tolerance Medium
Disease Tolerance Medium
Growth Rate Fast
Fragrance No
Growth Habit Upright