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Classic Cylinders Multiple Sizes Satin Finish



Classic Cylinders Multiple Sizes Satin Finish is currently the most popular alternative for Planter in the workplace and in the residential sector. It won’t just look elegant and trendy, fitting in with our fashionable surroundings but it’s co-powerful and not just damaged. In order to avoid the soil contact with chrome steel containers we prefer to encourage the use of plastic liners or to have them sealed with GRP.


Classic Cylinder Planters

(Inches) (cms) (cms)
12″ x 12″ 30 30
14″ x 14″ 35 35
16″ x 16″ 40 40
18″ x 18″ 45 45
20″ x 18″ 50 45
22″ x 20″ 55 50
24″ x 20″ 60 50
31″ x 18″ 79 45
31″ x 24″ 79 60