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Dieffenbachia Camilla


Dieffenbachia are simple houseplants that withstand a broad range of conditions. For their vivid, large leaves, these plants are common in homes and offices. They have a large, white- borne on upright stems that brighten this very soft plant. The majority of dieffenbachias can rise from 90- cm (3- foot) tall and 1- foot (30- cm) broad. Individual leaves can be 18 “(45 cm) long by 12” (30 cm) wide.

SKU: N/A Category: Tags: , Product ID: 18532


Latin name: Dieffenbachia Camilla
Common name: Dumb Cane, Spotted dumb cane, Gold-dieffenbachia
Plant group: Green plants
Plant family: Araceae
Climate: Tropical rainforest climate
Minimal temperature: 14-16°C (57-60°F)
Optimal temperature: 24-28°C (75-82°F)
Recommended place:
bright, penumbral
bright, am or pm sunlight
Soil: humus-peat-loosely
Plant form: upright, columnar
Height: 50 cm (19.5 in.)
Flower color:
Repotting: every 24 months (2 years)
Rarity: no
Pests: Grape Mealybug (Pseudococcus maritimus)
Diseases: Pytium blight (Helminthosporium, Pythium, Fusarium)
Origin territory: South America