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Dracaena Janet Craig


Dracaena Janet Craig has such an amazing foliage variety that it is hard to pinpoint that they are all in one genus.   Deremensis, seldom cultivated as a basic plant, is found in a variety of common species, most of which grow 2 to 5 feet high. Two of the best are Janet Craig, which has straps like smooth, dark green leaves 12 to 18 inches long and approximately 2 inches wide, and Warneckei, which are particularly ideal for dim light with 8 to 12 inches flexible sword-like, gray-green leaves.


Dracaena Janet Craig – LArchLandscape Dubai, UAE

Botanical Name: Dracaena deremensis
Common name: Dracaena Janet Craig
Plant group: Indoor Plants
Plant family: Araceae
Origins: Puerto Rico
Light: Medium Light
Watering: Every 2 to 7 Days
Growth Speed: Medium
Grower: Novice
Home Decor: Contemporary