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Ficus Benjamina Danielle


Ficus Benjamina Danielle Best is produced in bright partial or partially sunny areas with afternoon sun cover.For Ficus Benjamina Danielle Using a tumultuous potting blend. Maintain soil continually moist throughout the growing season, but marginally decrease irrigation from fall to late winter. Pinch stems to shape if appropriate. Spread quickly from seed cuttings.


Ficus Benjamina Danielle – LArchLandscape Dubai, UAE

Common Name: Ficus
Botanical Name: Ficus Benjamina Daneille
Geographical origins:  India, Philippine et Malaisia.
Adult dimensions: From 2 to 4 m indoors, up to 30 m outside in its original habitat.
Foliage: Evergreen.
Type of soil: Dislikes chalky soil.
Climate: Minimum of 15°C.
Site: Light shade to full sun.
Growth: Rapid.
Toxicity:  Its leaves are toxic and its sap is an irritant