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Gardenia are medium-scale evergreen shrubs from Japan, Taiwan and China. In the Gardenia genus has nearly more than 200 different species. The most commonly grown gardenia is (Gardenia jasminoides). Their glossy, dark green leaves and bushy habit give home landscape value year-round. Gardenias create fragrant flowers from early summer to late autumn. The roses are big, waxy and creamy, with a pungent, sweet aroma/fragrance.



Common name  Gardenia, Cape Jasmine, Common Gardenia
Botanical Name: Gardenia
Latin name   Gardenia spp.
Catagory Indoor Plants
Flowering Time Summer to autumn
Planting Time Any season
Height 60cm–2m
Spread 60cm–2m
Aspect Bright, but not direct sunlight through glass
Hardiness Frost Tender
Diffivulty Difficulty