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Hibiscus tiliaceus


Hibiscus tiliaceus also known as Cotton Tree, Sea Hibiscus is a shrub or small tree capable to remain green all year long, 25 feet tall and almost the same broad. The alterative leaves have long petioles and have heart-looking tips. It is leathery, white and pubescent, and is 4-8 inch  long. The flowers are large and spectacular, starting yellow at dawn and becoming red at night.Typical Hibiscus flowers: funnel composed of five petals and a conspicuous middle column with a pistil and a stamens.  Other name of plant is Majagua, Mahoe,


Hibiscus tiliaceus (Mahoe, Sea Hibiscus, Cotton Tree, Majagua)

Common Name Mahoe, Sea Hibiscus, Cotton Tree, Majagua
Botanical Name Hibiscus tiliaceus
Height 7.6m
Spread 4-6m
Origin Tropical Asia
Category Trees
Family Malvaceae
Flower Colour Yellow
Drought Tolerance Medium
Salinity Tolerance High
Sun Tolerance High
Wind Tolerance High
Water-Log Tolerance Low
pH Level Basic
Pest Tolerance Low
Disease Tolerance Medium
Growth Rate Fast
Fragrance No
Growth Habit Spreading