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Melia azadarach


Melia azadarach also known as Pride of india, Persian Lilac, Bead-Tree is  Fast developing, multi-branched, sprawling, round head tree of fissured grey bark. With  30-60 cm long, pinnate or 2-pinnate leaves have an ovate to elliptical content, strong tooth, lobed, medium to bright green leaflets. The flowers are star-like and fragrant, 2 cm across, arching shape to pendent shaped panicles, 10-20 cm long, spring to early summer; spherical to broadly ovoid yellow fruit, 1 cm long, followed. Seeds are used in Asia as beads.

SKU: N/A Category: Tags: , , , , , Product ID: 18001


Melia azadarach (Bead-Tree, Persian Lilac, Pride of india)

Common Name Bead-Tree, Persian Lilac, Pride of india
Botanical Name Melia azadarach
Height 10-15m
Spread 5-8m
Origin N. India, China
Category Trees
Family Meliaceae
Flower Colour Pink
Drought Tolerance High
Salinity Tolerance Medium
Sun Tolerance High
Wind Tolerance Medium
Water-Log Tolerance Low
pH Level Basic
Pest Tolerance Medium
Disease Tolerance High
Growth Rate Fast
Fragrance Yes
Growth Habit Erect