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Monstera Pertusum


Monstera Pertusum is a common leaf plant quickly identified by its large glistening leaves, which are split deep and drilled with oblong opening. Grows by scaling on trees; Monstera Pertusum wants something to grow within so that the plant can sustain itself. In a moist enough environment, Monstera Pertusum can easily bind itself to everything that it finds; Monstera Pertusum can not be adjusted manually, though, in a typical apartment environment. Aerial roots that the plant does not actively help may be removed.


Monstera Pertusum – LArchLandscape Dubai, UAE

Group: Angiosperms
Botanical Name: Monstera Pertusum
Common Name: CerimanSwiss Cheese PlantMonsteraMexican Breadfruit,Delicious Monster
Order: Arales
Family: Araceae
Genus: Monstera
Species: M. deliciosa
Propagation: From seeds, cutting, layering
Adult size: over 30 m (90 ft); about 2 m inside
Lighting: Medium
Watering: Let the soil dry slightly before watering
Fertilization: Monthly during active growth
Soil: Well drained
Air moisture: Moist
Other information
Toxicity: Toxic sap; edible fruit (when ripe only)