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Prosopis cineraria


Prosopis cineraria also known as Khejri, Jandi, Ghaf is one of 44 leguminous members of the genus of shrubs. u-It is a small thorny, multi-branched tree, 5-10 high. Evergreen or almost so, it creates an open crown and has deep fissured, dense, rough, gray bark. Additional leaves are compound bipinnate with 1-3 pairs of pinnae. Every pinna contains 7-14 pairs of leaflets with a length of 4- 15 mm and a width of 2-4 mm. The thorns are direct with a conical base and sparsely spaced along the stem length. They are first visible at the age of 6-8 weeks. The 0.6 cm yellow-green flowers are raised on spiky racemes of 5-23 cm. Within each of the small, yellow pods, which are long (8-19 cm), narrow (0.4-0.7 cm) and cylindrical, are produced up to 25 light brown seeds, 0.3-0.8 cm within length. Unlike other Prosopis, rooting can be really deep; up to 20 m or higher can reach the tap root of P. cineraria.


Prosopis cineraria (Khejri, Jandi, Ghaf)

Common Name Khejri, Jandi, Ghaf
Botanical Name Prosopis cineraria
Height 4-7m
Spread 3-5m
Origin India, Pakistan
Category Trees
Family Leguminosae/Mimosoideae
Synonym Prosopis spicigera, Prosopis spicata, Mimosa cineraria
Flower Colour Yellow
Drought Tolerance High
Salinity Tolerance High
Sun Tolerance High
Wind Tolerance High
Water-Log Tolerance Low
pH Level Basic
Pest Tolerance High
Disease Tolerance High
Growth Rate Fast
Fragrance No
Growth Habit Spreading