Description (Red or Pink) Rose ssp. (Rose) is the genus of approximately 150 semi-green and high bushy plants, which are perennial shrubs and climbers, some of which are in cultivation for several decades. They are present in various habitats in Asia, Europe, North Africa and North America. Roses have upright, arching, scraping, or trailing roots, often thorny or pink. The alternate leaves range from 2.5 cm long in miniaturized roses to 18 cm or longer in forest, forest and climbing roses; each leaf typically contains five to seven leaflets, mostly toothed, in varying form. Roses have been cultivated due to its beautiful and often very aromatised flowers, which are often carried in summer and in autumn. The flowers are single or born in corymbs, often they are downward, and very large in shape, size and form. For a variety of garden conditions, the roses are suitable: as specimen plants or normal, as a shrub or mixed border, as hedges or as climbers to the walls, trees, pillars, pergolas or wooded trees. Groups of roses are often planted in a single bed together; a well chosen mix of cultivars offers a long summer view. Miniature roses for, raised bed, or rock garden and containers are perfect. For picking, the flowers of all roses are common. Species, or wild roses (including inter-specific hybrid species that share most of their parent species) are either shrubs or climbers, mostly with single, five petallic, sometimes scented flowers in early summer and generally with a flush on second-year wood short shoots; the flowers accompanied by red or black hips.
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