Lantana camara Crimson (Lantana) It is a flexible, smoothly shrubbery shrub, sometimes with ovate forms, slightly wrinkled, dark green leaves, 5-10 cm long. Flowers with a diameter of 2.5cm-5cm, in colors from yellow to white and salmon-pink to red or purple are borne between late spring and late autumn. Cream Carpet is small and speady, with white creamy flowers; 30 cm tall, 75 cm wide. Bicolored, salmon-rose and yellow flora. Feston Rose’s flowers are bicolorful, yellow and pink. Mine d’Or or Goldmine develops gold yellow flowers. Bicolored contains radiation, orange and red flowers. Ortenburg bears bicolored flowers of brick-red and orange yellow. Snow White develops with white flowers. Sunset spreads the orange-yellow flowers that take on age-old reddish pink tints. f. Varia, syn. Varia. F. Aculeata f. Aculeata f. Varia, bears flowers of purple, orange on the outside.
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