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Washingtonia robusta (Mexican Fan Palm, Skyduster)


Washingtonia robusta (Mexican Fan Palm, Skyduster)
is typically seen at 40-50 feet but may grow to 80 feet . Washingtonia Palm is quickly recognised as the famous straight and one-track street palm of years. The lower leaves after their death stays on the tree creating a thick, dark, shaggy covering underneath the live, bright green, large fan-shaped leaves which is generally referred to as the petticoat palm. Such dead fronds are considered to be a fire danger and a common rodent bedding and may therefore be prohibited by laws in certain countries. The heavily bearded leaf pecorns and wide thin trunks render the removal of front a very difficult job, but some people believe more than compensates for the fast growth rate and statuesque presence.


Common Name Mexican Fan Palm, Skyduster
Botanical Name Washingtonia robusta
Height 10-15m
Spread 2-4m
Origin North America
Category Palms
Family Arecaceae/ Palmae
Flower Colour White
Drought Tolerance Medium
Salinity Tolerance High
Sun Tolerance High
Wind Tolerance Medium
Water-Log Tolerance Low
pH Level Basic
Pest Tolerance High
Disease Tolerance Low
Growth Rate Medium
Fragrance No
Growth Habit Upright